How It All Started...
"We had been so focused on feeding their growing bodies, but missed the part with the greatest impact on their future... feeding their growing brains."
When we needed to switch our newborn to formula, my wife and I spent time investigating the options.The focus on brain nutrients made us stop and think. Are our older kids getting what they need? With the help of experts, we realized that while kids brains are still growing fast, most are not getting enough of the right brain nutrients from their diets. We brought together pediatricians, neurologists and nutritionists and developed Brainiac®. Real and delicious food to support brain health.

We strive to help every child have a bright future.
“As parents we try and get our kids the brain nutrition they need through healthy foods like salmon, broccoli, eggs and more. But it's not always easy. That's why we created Brainiac®, to help every kid reach their full potential."
Dad to Nev, Indy and Booker
Dad to Irena, Aston and Ella

Our Values
Here are the values we share as an organization:

Make delicious, healthy products that are accessible to all.

Source ingredients that are sustainably produced, minimally processed and nutritionally sound.

Use packaging that keeps our product fresh and safe and has the lightest environmental footprint.
We found the best minds to nourish young minds.
We knew it was essential to bring together a diverse group of experts to help develop the BrainPack® and our products. Our Science and Nutrition Advisory Board is comprised of leading pediatricians, neurologists, nutrition scientists and dietitians.
Our Science & Nutrition Advisors

Laura Jana, MD
Pediatrician, Author

Susan Carlson, PhD
Dietetics & Nutrition, Univ. of Kansas

Cary Buckner, M.D.
Chief of Neurology, Neurohospitalist, NY Based Hospital System

John Columbo, PhD
Director, Life Span Institute, Univ. of Kansas

Jill Castle, MS, RD
Childhood Nutrition Expert, Author

Steven Zeisel, MD, PhD
Director, Nutrition Research Institute Pediatrician, Univ. of N. Carolina

Elliott Sherr, MD, PhD
Pediatric Neurology, Univ. of California San Francisco

Eric Decker, PhD
Head of Food Science, Univ. of Mass.

Akhlaq A. Farooqui PhD
Senior Research Scientist - Dept. of Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry at Ohio State, Author of 12 Books

Tahira Farooqui, PhD
Research Scientist - Dept. of Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry at Ohio State, Author of 13 Books

Uma Naidoo, MD
Board-certified psychiatrist, professional chef, and nutrition specialist