Chances are even if you don’t have picky eaters, your child likely isn’t getting the daily brain nutrition they need for a thriving, happy and healthy mind. That’s because these important nutrients are really only found in things like fatty fish, liver, broccoli, brussels sprouts and eggs—a lot of the foods on kids' "yuck" list.
Just one Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezer provides as much Omega-3 DHA as a kid’s serving of salmon and as much choline as two cups of broccoli.

Most applesauce pouches are just smashed apples (so not the worst snack by any means, but kind of empty calories) but Brainiac® pulls double duty.
Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezers not only provide 100% of their daily Vitamin C needs to help boost immunity, but also 160 MG of Omega-3 DHA/EPA and 120 MG of choline, two essential brain nutrients that have been shown to help promote learning, improve mood and increase focus and attention.

Whether they're in the cafeteria, on the field or cramming on homework late at night, Brainiac® Applesauce Squeezers are the perfect no-sugar added snack to help them power on with strong problem solving, memory and learning skills.
Made with the highest quality ingredients – 100% US grown apples, non-GMO ingredients, no gluten, soy or dairy, you can feel good about your kids snacking on these squeezers any time.